A.S.A.P Time Sensitive Psychic/Spiritual Coaching Email or
Phone/Skype Session Through a Request
*****ALL SESSION TYPES LISTED BELOW (excluding 60 minutes session and Mediumship Session) is included in an A.S.A.P Session*****
1. Make Payment - to confirm your A.S.A.P Time Sensitive Session.
2. Please fill out the form by CLICKING HERE
Your questions will receive priority and be forwarded to Lilian for your recorded session.
****Form will be needed to be filled out only by specific session types requiring questions be forwarded*****
3. You will receive your recorded session through email within 48-72 hours upon payment for
voice recorded email sessions. Skype/Phone sessions may be available, please request phone or
Skype session through michelle@lilianeden.com.
4. Lastly, please ensure you correctly filled out the form, double check the email you wish to receive your recorded 30 Minutes A.S.A.P reading/session.
If you have any additional questions about an A.S.A.P session, please contact
A.S.A.P Session Cost -$400 Session recorded and sent through email.
*Upon receiving your recorded session, please download the link/file to any chosen device within 7 days*
(1) question/issue Intuitive/Psychic Session
Intuitive/Psychic/Spiritual Coaching
Session/ E-Mail Reading only
Note: this is not a Mediumship session* See below for Mediumship Session
Lilian asks for one primary area of concern (issue/question) to narrow the scope of your inquiry and to direct her focus to the area most needed at this time.
*This session is for someone with a very specific area in need of clarification.*
Voice Recorded (mp3) Session
sent to you through e-mail -
Cost - WAS $100.00
*Should you wish to switch to an A.S.A.P session after confirming a regular scheduled session, please contact Michelle@lilianeden.com to make a request.*
*Upon receiving your recorded session, please download the link/file to any chosen device within 7 days*
SPECIAL :) 50% OFF :)
(2)Questions/issues Session
Intuitive/Psychic/Spiritual Coaching Session/ E-Mail Reading only
Note: this is not a Mediumship session* See below for Mediumship Session
Lilian asks for 2 primary areas of concern (issue/question) to narrow the scope of your inquiry and to direct her focus to the area most needed at this time.
*This session type is for someone who needs insight into only a
couple of areas*
Voice Recorded (mp3) Session
sent to you through e-mail -
Cost - WAS $200
*Lilian asks for questions/issues so as to narrow the scope of what is most pressing at the time of booking.
*Should you wish to switch to an A.S.A.P session after confirming a regular scheduled session, please contact Michelle@lilianeden.com to make a request.*
*Upon receiving your recorded session, please download the link/file to any chosen device within 7 days*
Intuitive/Psychic/Spiritual Coaching Session
(30 or 60 minutes)
(30 or 60 minutes available through Skype, phone or by e-mail. Please specify at the time of scheduling a session.)
A wonderful opportunity for Lilian to provide much needed insight/guidance/ new understanding from a Soulful level. Lilian is a catalyst, a bridge, connecting you to the flow of information channeled from an intuitive/psychic realm or if preferred, assistance on present life's situations from a Spiritual Coaching perspective.
Note: Should you look over other session types and need a little insight into each (or one other), Lilian can utilize the time to give you some insights into each area - life path, relationship issues/love, past life link, and connecting with loved ones. This gives you a well rounded session. For more in-depth examination, you are recommended to schedule specific sessions accordingly.
Please note: Lilian does not record phone/Skype sessions for clients, however, clients are welcomed to record sessions with Lilian. For anyone who would like a phone session, Lilian will call you at the date/time scheduled. At the time of booking, please forward the areas of concern for your session. In preparation, Lilian will focus on your most pressing issues/concerns/inquiry.
Please note: you can choose to receive a voice recorded session. You can expect the same duration of time filled with insights, guidance and coaching.
*In addition, please forward areas of concern/inquiry for your session if scheduling a voice recorded/email session at the time of booking. *
Cost $300 - 30 min
$600 - 60-80 min.
Life Path Illumination Session
Lilian helps to highlight your Soul's purpose in this life time. Primarily looking at your Soul's/ life lessons including your strengths and challenges you have come into this life to overcome. From a Soul's perspective, Lilian will bring to the surface what you face in terms of life purpose and best ways to proceed. A very insightful session awaits you. NOTE: this is not a psychic session for future events but a Soul guided session to uncover certain strengths and challenges you will need to examine in your life overall.
Voice Recorded (mp3) sent to you
through e-mail -
Cost - $250
Duration: 30-45 minutes
Note: *Should you wish to switch to an A.S.A.P session after confirming a regular scheduled session, please contact Michelle@lilianeden.com to make a request.*
A.S.A.P sessions available for this reading/session. Note: Your recorded session will be emailed to you within 48 to 72 hours. Please confirm your session HERE
*Upon receiving your recorded session, please download the link/file to any chosen device within 7 days*
Past Life Illumination Session
Lilian is guided through your previous life time(s) uncovering the life/lives you had lived. This session has helped many shed light upon their current life time from a perspective of the Soul's journey through time. It's a great opportunity to explore the past and how the past may be influencing your current life time- through accessing the Akashic Records. A fascinating journey filled with insights await you.
Voice Recorded (mp3) sent to you
through e-mail -
Cost - $250
Note: *Should you wish to switch to an A.S.A.P session after confirming a regular scheduled session, please contact Michelle@lilianeden.com to make a request.*
A.S.A.P sessions available for this reading/session. Note: Your recorded session will be emailed to you within 48 to 72 hours. Please confirm your session HERE
*Upon receiving your recorded session, please download the link/file to any chosen device within 7 days*
Relationship(s) Illumination:
Past Life Connection(s) Session
How do I know you? Why are we together in this life time?
Lilian is guided through to previous life time(s) to uncover connections you have with certain people in your life currently. Through Lilian's insight, you can gain greater clarity uncovering meanings behind these connections.
* Please forward up to 3 specific people and how you are connected in this life time.
Voice Recorded (mp3) sent to you through e-mail - Cost $250
*NOTE:Should you wish to switch to an A.S.A.P session after confirming a regular scheduled session, please contact Michelle@lilianeden.com to make a request.*
A.S.A.P sessions available for this reading/session. Note: Your recorded session will be emailed to you within 48 to 72 hours. Please confirm your session HERE
*Upon receiving your recorded session, please download the link/file to any chosen device within 7 days*
Mediumship Session
with Lilian Eden
Connecting with loved ones/friends/pets and guides
*Receiving much needed helpful insights/messages/feed-back *
Lilian conducts a mediumship session and connects with those who
wish to come forth to communicate with you.
* Sessions available through voice recorded (email), Skype or by phone.
*Please specify at the time of scheduling a session*
Lilian opens communication to the Spirit world through the intent of connecting with those who mean you well (or pets who wish to connect). Through this session there is a great opportunity to connect/communicate with loved ones who await such opportunities. If this session moves you in any way, this is a strong indication of messages/communications waiting for you. For so many reasons, you are being called to open communication for much needed insight(s)/solace - along with the other side wanting to express messages which may not otherwise be expressed/known. A wonderful time awaits.
Session - (Email, Skype or Phone) Cost - $400
*Should you wish to switch to an A.S.A.P session after confirming a regular scheduled session, please contact Michelle@lilianeden.com to make a request.*
Note: A.S.A.P. session is available. Note: Your recorded session will be emailed to you within 48 to 72 hours.
1. Please confirm (1) A.S.A.P Mediumship Session with payment
Cost: $600
*Upon receiving your recorded session, please download the link/file to any chosen device within 7 days*
2. Please fill out the contact form HERE
Note: Your recorded session will be emailed to you within 48 to 72 hours.